12th September 2022 Newsletter
Hi all,
As always, thanks so much for coming to class/subscribing this week! Apologies for the delayes newsletter. Following the sad news about the Queen on Friday, it just didn't seem right to send it out as normal.
Bank Holiday
As a mark of respect, classes will be closed on Monday 19th September for the Queen's funeral bank holiday. If you've already paid for a class for next Monday then your payment will transfer to your next session, or get in touch if you'd like a refund.
Thornbury Leisure Centre
Those of you who attend my classes at the leisure centre will probably already be aware of this as I've made my official announcements, but just in case some of you haven't heard yet, it is with sadness that I have handed in my notice and will no longer be working at the leisure centre from October. This has been a really difficult decision to make and it is absolutely not 'personal' at all. No-one has been mean to me (I know a lot of you were worried about this!) and me and the staff at TLC will part on friendly terms. As my self-employed business expands it requires more and more of my attention, as does the puppy, and I simply do not have the time to do it all. I attended my first fitness class at TLC, I taught my first fitness class at TLC and it will always be very special to me. Of course, you are all more than welcome to attend my Recycled Teenagers classes on Mondays at 5:45pm and Fridays at 10:05am in Alveston and I really do hope you all keep in touch in one way or another. This was a super tough decision and has taken me the best part of a year to make, so please do know that I have not made this decision lightly and I will truly miss you all.
Barre Fitness
Friday's Barre class is now fully booked, but I do have 1 space available in the Tuesday evening group at 7:05pm in Alveston. If you're interested in attending the rest of this term's sessions (5 weeks left) or if you'd like to come on a pay-as-you-go basis then get in touch!
On-Demand Studio Membership
Next week's new video in the On-Demand Studio is Pilates Mixed Ability 19
Local Small Business and Charity Events
I've been asked to promote some local events that are happening soon, so here goes!
This year one of the Thornbury Women's Cricket Team players lost her sister after a very short illness. The team would like to show thier support to her and the family with a fundraising charity match, cricket challenge, afternoon tea and a raffle. All profits raised will go to Caroline's chosen charities St Peter's Hospice and St Teresa's Hospice. Both charities are providing invaluable bereavement support and have taken care of family members in the past.
To book a spot for afternoon tea, please contact Sarah on 07796 002270

Thornbury Cricket Club is also hosting a Gin tasting evening in October.

Please take a couple of minutes to leave me a Google Review if you enjoy my classes!Click this link and then write some nice stuff about me! Thanks! https://g.page/r/CSi6ssYkbcBMEAg/review