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1st July 2022 Newsletter

Hi all,

As always, thanks so much for coming to class/subscribing this week!


Pilates spaces

All Pilates classes are now fully booked until September apart from the 9am Pilates class which has just 1 space left in it! You can still book for the term for the Friday morning if you want to grab the last space and be guaranteed your spot for the summer and for the next term starting in Sept, or I've now opened a pay-as-you-go option just for the Friday class that has just 1 space per class available! Booking is via the website as always!


Barre spaces

Barre fitness is also fully booked for the summer term, but if you'd like to go on the waiting list for the September term get in touch!


On-Demand Studio Membership

Next week's new video in the On-Demand Studio is: Abs 18 - a 30 minute interval workout



Please take a couple of minutes to leave me a Google Review if you enjoy my classes!Click this link and then write some nice stuff about me! Thanks!


Have a super duper weekend, whatever you're doing!

See you next week,

Sam xxx


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