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27th August 2021 Newsletter

Hi all,

As always, thanks so much for coming to class/subscribing this week!


Bank holiday

Reminder that there are no classes on Monday due to the bank holiday!


The end of the summer timetable!

Big, big changes are coming soon! We have just 1 week left of the summer timetable and then the new timetable with 4, YES 4(!) more face-to-face classes launching! All classes are now open for booking so please get booked on if you're planning on coming as spaces in all sessions are limited! 💃Zumba starts on Monday 6th at 7:20pm at Manorbrook School 🧘‍♀️Pilates starts on Thursday 9th at 11:30 at Alveston Youth Centre (the Tuesday is completely sold out and there are just a few spaces left on the Thursday class so please be swift if you want to join us here!) 🤩Recycled Teenagers is back on Friday 10th at 9:30am again at Alveston Youth Centre 🩰Barre Fitness is also coming back on the 10th at 11:00am at the youth centre. This is now open for pay-as-you-go booking as well as the block booking. 1/3 of the spaces have already sold so get booked on if you want to dance around like a beautiful swan for an hour!!! There will also be an additional Wednesday Pilates online at 11:00am for those of you who can't make the face-to-face sessions. All classes have very limited numbers so please book on as soon as you can to make sure you don't miss out!


Facebook LIVES

Due to the bank holiday, there will only be 2 Facebook Lives next week. I'll be doing low impact aerobics (Recycled Teenagers) at 9am on Wednesday and Thursday. These workouts stay on my page forever so please do leave a comment if you see them pop up and you enjoy them!


Massage and Soft Tissue Release!

You might have noticed during the Olympics, and you might notice over the next few weeks during the Paralympics, that some of the athletes have weird round circle shape marks on their skin. I asked Abi from Abi Cosh Sports Therapy and Massage what these were all about and she sent me this! So for those of you who are interested, here's a bit of info about cupping! Soft Tissue Release uses precise pressure combined with active or passive stretching, where we press onto a muscle to create a ‘lock’ or use the cups to create that negative pressure tension. ⁣ 🟣This effectively shortens the usable length of muscle. Then the therapist will stretch the muscle, or instruct you to move to actively stretch the muscle.⁣ 🟣Often STR will be used along the whole length of a muscle, although sometimes it will only be applied to very specific locations.⁣ 🟣STR can be a little uncomfortable and isn’t suitable for sites of recent injury, but we can choose to work around an injury rather than directly on it.⁣ 🟣However, STR can have rapid positive effects on flexibility and pain 🟣 Cupping is safe and user-friendly for anyone and everyone! If you have any other questions about massage or treatments let me know and I can get Abi to write something else for us! Get 10% off your first mobile treatment with Abut when you use the code Sam10


Enjoy your long weekend (if you're lucky enough to get one!)

See you all next week,

Sam xxx


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