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20th October 2023 Newsletter

Hi all,

As always, thanks so much for coming to class/subscribing this week!


Pilates renewals

The next term of Pilates starts the week after next and (amazingly!) takes us all the way up to Christmas. Renewals were due by the end of this week, so if you haven't renewed, please do let me know as I'm going to the waiting lists now to fill any remaining spaces. If you'd like to be added to the waiting lists to possibly get a space in this term (or more likely get a space in January!) then get in touch with me via email etc. All classes are run in Alveston and are at the following times: Tuesdays 11:15am Tuesdays 6pm Thursdays 11:30am Thursdays 7:05pm Thursdays 8:05pm Fridays 9:05am


Cancer Research UK 2023 Autumn Fair

Cancer Research UK will be holding their annual autumn fair on Saturday 21st Oct at St Helen's Primary School in Alveston. There will be sales of craft, jams, marmalades, chutneys, cakes, savouries, quiz sheets, Xmas cards, diaries, calendars, Xmas gifts, plants, socks, second hand books, raffle, and coffee/tea and cakes. Just turn up, or for more info call Pam on 01454 416941



Please take a couple of minutes to leave me a Google Review if you enjoy my classes!Click this link and then write some nice stuff about me! Thanks!


Have an awesome weekend,

See you next week,

Sam xxx


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