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10th February 2023 Newsletter

Hi all,

As always, thanks so much for coming to class/subscribing this week!


Half Term

All classes will be running as normal throughout the half term holidays. If you have childcare issues and have 'well-behaved' kids who will sit in the corner with an ipad etc then do feel free to bring them to class if that helps you still attend!


Barre Fitness

The next term of Barre Fitness starts the week after next (week commencing 20th Feb). Classes run on Tuesdays at 7:05pm and Fridays at 11:05am, both in Alveston. The terms are 6 weeks long and cost £39. Booking is now open on the website and there are just a few spots left in each class so do go ahead and book if you want to start Barre (those of you who are renewing don't need to do anything about booking!). If you have any questions about whether Barre is suitable for you then get in touch! Here's a free sample class so you can see if it's up your street!


On-Demand Studio Membership

Next week's new video in the On-Demand Studio is: Express Pilates 05



Please take a couple of minutes to leave me a Google Review if you enjoy my classes!Click this link and then write some nice stuff about me! Thanks!


Have a super weekend, we will be taking Patch to his first doggy physiotherapy session!

See you all next week,

Sam xxx


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